Philosopher's Notes Challenge Posts

  1. Sign into Philosophers Notes (Instructions can be found in Week 2)
  2. From this point forward in your program you are to select from the following list the books of your own choosing. The previous two weeks were to create a background of relatedness to better understand what is being presented throughout the rest of the program.
  3. Listen to the audio or read the PDF for your choice(s)
  4. Search notes to find one that interests you
  5. Write a one paragraph summary of what you took away from the experience.
  6. Upload your reviews to your personal Google Drive space assigned to you.
  7. By now you have developed the habit of reviewing three philosophers cliff notes over the past 8 weeks to develop a habit of spending at least 30 minutes a day gathering new insights from the cliff notes and writing reflections from what you are present to maintaining this habit along with the other disciplines you have developed over the past 8 weeks will prove very beneficial as you continue on your path to what's next. 

NOTE: The philosophers note homework assignments consists of three individual philosophers notes each week for the entire eight weeks. The first 20 recommended books for you to consider; where suggested for you to get you started. After the first 20 you should have a pretty good idea of what interests you next. This is the intention of the philosopher notes is not only to provide information that interests you, but to create a habit as you start you pathway forward to self examination. 

Philosophers Notes.pdf
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